The number of places that should be seen nowadays is increasingly increasing when traveling around the world becomes easier. One of these places is China, with its long history, unique culture and interesting features.

As the ease of going abroad, fast and safe transportation, attractive tours and convenient accommodation increased, people started spending more time on travel and entertainment. Finding suitable options in terms of spending makes the world more attractive. Many countries, which seem too far away, cannot even be imagined, can go to many countries with almost no visas and with appropriate tour options at very pleasing prices.

But there are also those who want to go on their own, not just tours, and the number of this group is not to be underestimated. Those who want to choose this path should do a detailed research in advance and find out where they should be seen and discover the appropriate ways. The first way of this research is to get information from the internet and go through the experiences of those who are experienced. It is not only a matter of visiting and having fun, but also those who go abroad for the job and have the opportunity to explore the country they are going to visit for a short time.

Recently, the popularity of the Far East is increasing. Japan, South Korea and North Korea, especially China, offer visitors a wonderful trip plan that they cannot see in Europe or America. Far East, with its natural and architectural beauties, is one of the places that will be called "Don't See Without seeing."

Traveling and traveling with convenient tours will make your Far East tour easier, but there are many options for those who want to go on their own. China, in particular, is professional in terms of tourism due to its long history and many visitors. Turkey in particular interest as a citizen in this country that embraces you with hundreds of attractive features you will not come across anywhere else throughout your life dozens of image and you will witness a unique culture.

China, as the most populous country in the world, had a population of 1 billion 357 million in 2013. It is a huge country with an area of approximately 9.5 million km². It is of course impossible to explore such a large and crowded country only with a trip. However, seeing at least certain places can give more information about China in general. China, whose history dates back almost 6000 years, has laid the foundations of many technologies used today. Compass, gunpowder, paper and printing, such as the indispensables of today's many products and materials have become the fathers of Antique China.

With its natural beauties and unique architecture, China has made a name for itself all over the world. Natural beauties such as rivers, tea gardens, tropical regions and unique landscapes; As well as architectural beauties, temples, squares and skyscrapers with more than one hundred years of history make China indispensable for tourism. In addition, the famous Great Wall of China and the Historic Silk Road, which come to mind when it comes to Chinese, make China worth a visit.

For those who can only stay for a short time in China, the places to see are Great Wall, Summer Palace, Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City and Kung Fu Show. It will also be in place to say that Steamed Dumpling and Beijing Roast Duck do not return without trying. It is strongly recommended that those who have time for the capital of Beijing, other than those places and trials, should also see other cities.

Hong Kong

If you're on your way to China, another city you should see is Hong Kong. In this unique city you will find the perfect mix of old and new. In addition, with its beautiful beaches, exquisite vegetation and unique culture, Hong Kong is a place that makes its visitors very happy.

What makes China important is that Xian is known as one of the places where Ancient China was born, while China is not as famous as Hong Kong and Beijing. Located in the northwest of China, this city is the most important city in the region. The ancient city of Terra Cotta, which reflects the history of China, is located in this beautiful city. When you visit Terra Cotta, you will see that there is no limit to the works that can be done by human hands. In addition, the Drum Tower and the Bell Tower, the Tang Dynasty Opera House, the City Walls and the Horses Museum are the main places to see in this important city. Fanji, Yang Rou Pao Mo and Guan Tang Bauzi are the tastes you should try in this unique city.


Guili, which provides the greatest living in China with tourism, offers you a unique landscape and a clean trip. You will feel mentally resting in this lush city. The Li River and Elephant Valley in the city are worth a visit. We also recommend that you do not return from Guili without eating Noodle and Horse Hoof Cake.


One of China's most famous cities is Shanghai. This tremendous city, the heart of trade in China, is quite crowded with a population of 17 million. In addition, the phrase "Paris of the East" is also known for being told about Shanghai. When you go to Shanghai, you should definitely see the Jade Buddha Temple, the Shanghai Museum, the Yuyuan Garden and the Acrobatic Show. In addition, Smoked Fish Slices, Shanghai Peper Duck, Beggars Chicken and Da Zha Xie are a must-try.

Great Wall of China

Apart from the major cities, one of the 7 wonders of the world, with a length of 6700 km, between 4 and 6 meters in height, unique building with observation and lighthouse towers must see the Great Wall of China.

China Time Lapse

China Travel Guide
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