Madagascar, which many people know thanks to the animation film of the same name, is a republic based on an island in Africa.

This country, which corresponds to the southeastern part of the African continent and has a very large piece of land, is separated from the rest of the continent by the Mozambique Canal. Mozambique is located right across the canal. This channel is a natural formation, not a place built by human hands. It is formed by the flow of the Indian Ocean between the island of Madagascar and the southeastern African continent.

What to see and do in Madagascar

The most famous thing about Madagascar is of course the diversity of animal species and vegetation. This is the feature of the famous animated film. More than 90 percent of the animal and plant species on this large island are not found anywhere else in the world. The reason for this is that it became an independent island by breaking away from the edge of a large piece of land millions of years ago.

In this way, there was no piece of land with which the land was connected, and the isolated species had undergone their changes without spreading in any other part of the world. Likewise, living things living in other parts of the world have not been able to reach here. Thus, completely different and very interesting species were formed. If you are interested in nature, these interesting genres will excite you.

The most popular of these species are animals called dolims. Again, thanks to the animated film, there are many people from many parts of the world to see the famous machines. The mechanics only live on the island of Madagascar and have dozens of different varieties. Tenrekgiller animals in the land except Madagascar there is a small number.

To see such animals, of course, you have to go to very few national parks or watch the safari or natural life tours. At this point, for the tourists who have reservations, to mention wild animals, only the carnivorous species named Fossa, Fanaloka and Falanuk are on the island of Madagascar. Anas bernieri is another kind of bird that lives on this island and you should not return without seeing it.

As it is an island country, of course, the length of the settlement and the coasts are also very high. Although the island has a lot of height, although it can not make the most of this long coastline, swimming by the ocean is very interesting for both the tourists visiting the island and the locals. These are usually covered with a red ground cover. In fact, the whole country of Madagascar is heavily covered with this red soil, and this land cover is the biggest reason for not being able to make an efficient agriculture on the island.

Another problem of this island country is the decreasing forest cover. The island was covered with dense forests due to the advantage of its abundant rainy climate before being found by modern people. Today, this forest rate falls down to five percent and such a rich natural life on the island with such losses, the local people are very sad.

What to eat in Madagascar?

So, what kind of flavors should someone taste in the island of Madagascar? Unlike the rest of Africa, the Madagascar natives consume the most cocoa and sugar. Thanks to the advantage of being an island country, there are plenty of shellfishes, which allow sea products and especially water to grow in these areas. Agricultural facilities on the island are very few. They generally keep their economies by selling oil. Restrictions on agriculture have limited the culinary culture. In addition to cocoa and sugar, they consume vanilla.

Transportation in Madagascar

Those who want to make a visit to Madagascar will be the most difficult to travel conditions. Although there are many airplanes on this island, very few have a runway and roads with asphalt. These airports are also often used for local flights. The Ivato International Airport, which is located in the capital, is suitable for international flights, but the frequency and quality of these flights are quite low.

Madagascar Culture

The most important cultural activity for people living on the island of Madagascar is to make music. Music is an indispensable part of both everyday life and religious rituals as well as these areas of life. Especially the type of native music called salegi is very special and highly appreciated. These songs are special pieces composed for sea sides. There are different types of songs made for every part of the island, but most famous are the salegi songs made on this sea strip. The bamboo wood musical instrument called Valiha can also be played by almost everyone living here. The pieces of Salegi are usually composed and played by the Valiha instrument.

As Madagascar makes folk music a part of his life, you begin to hear these tunes as soon as you come to the country and you will continue to hear it throughout your stay. In addition, the culture of dance is also very developed. Streets are full of indigenous people dancing and singing.

Madagascar Time Lapse

What to see and do in Madagascar
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